Sunday, May 22, 2011

Senior Banquet

Let the graduation festivities begin!

I am one of those people who anticipates, well, everything. Every event, benchmark, or birthday I began building it up in my mind. Biola's Senior Banquet for the graduating class of 2011 was no exception. Armed with a great pair of wedges (borrowed from a friend) to avoid sinking into Metzger Lawn where the event was to be held my boyfriend Andrew and I were ready. Seniors.

The best part of an event like this is the people you share it with. Naturally then, the best part of the event is seeing all of those people who you have become connected to in one way or another over the last four years. "Hooray we made it" one of my girlfriends from my freshman year dorm floor said to me. Indeed we did. Well, after I finish this last paper and take that last week and counting.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn and I are so proud of you and we are so excited for your future. And I am excited to have another blog to add to my morning go girl!!
