Monday, May 14, 2012

Positive Thoughts

Does life ever make you want to rip your hair out and die a million deaths rather than face it?


Me too.

Here is my list of positive things to try and get over that feeling of complete and utter defeat!

I am healthy. 
I have TWO jobs.
I love my two jobs.
I have great friends.
My car runs.
I have not (yet) defaulted on a payment of any loans.
My family is supportive.
I am working towards my career goals.
I have a wonderful new apartment.
I have a wonderful new roommate.
I am not starving to death.
I have a closet full of pretty things.
I have already done a fair share of world traveling. 
It's going to be in the 70s and sunny all week.
Jesus loves me.
The judge was gracious.
I have a college degree.
I go to sleep each night and am not worried about my safety. 
Parents who love me.
Parents who love each other.
I have the right to vote.
Clean bed sheets. 
Fresh avocado.
Tuesday date nights. 
I only have to face one day at a time!

What would you add to my list of positive things? 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Live in the moment....or not.

Because we can't stop time, we are always moving forward and each moment passes faster than it takes for us to realize it's there.

I think I have been feeling a bit like life is flying by lately with being a year (WHAT!?) out from graduating college and over 2 months into my wonderful job and in my millionth transition in housing in the last 12 months...

And in that time I have met a lot of people and done a lot of things and cried and laughed and learned and lost and LIVED...but I think, with the coming of a new home, and the continuation of a new job, I would like to take some time to step OUT of these moments and think about the view from 30,000 feet. The "big picture".

But what is the big picture? That seems like an overwhelming task!

Well I think you must begin with a few lists. And I love lists so of course I would come up with a solution involving lists...but I digress.

Lists. Yes, ok make a list of what you know to be true about yourself. Who are YOU? If you have trouble doing this maybe think about where you spend your time, your money, what people thank you for, compliment you for, and what you think about. Hopefully that will help.

Next, make a list of what you want. What are your desires, dreams, wishes, secret little hopes? Those things that you always picture in your life. That little picket fence. The real estate business on the side, the debt-free financials, involvement in your church, a spouse. Stuff like that, write it down.

Ok now comes the Game Plan. Pick three things that you are going to do this month, the month of May. Whether it's something you just want to do once or a routine you want to implement or someone you need to talk to....write those down.


If you don't stop to think about what you want and who you are and how those things need to be tied together with actions...well you'll get caught up in a moment you didn't want to be in to begin with.