Monday, May 14, 2012

Positive Thoughts

Does life ever make you want to rip your hair out and die a million deaths rather than face it?


Me too.

Here is my list of positive things to try and get over that feeling of complete and utter defeat!

I am healthy. 
I have TWO jobs.
I love my two jobs.
I have great friends.
My car runs.
I have not (yet) defaulted on a payment of any loans.
My family is supportive.
I am working towards my career goals.
I have a wonderful new apartment.
I have a wonderful new roommate.
I am not starving to death.
I have a closet full of pretty things.
I have already done a fair share of world traveling. 
It's going to be in the 70s and sunny all week.
Jesus loves me.
The judge was gracious.
I have a college degree.
I go to sleep each night and am not worried about my safety. 
Parents who love me.
Parents who love each other.
I have the right to vote.
Clean bed sheets. 
Fresh avocado.
Tuesday date nights. 
I only have to face one day at a time!

What would you add to my list of positive things? 


  1. A blog that people care about you enough to read.

    1. I'll add that one on Uncle Dale! Always so thankful you keep tabs on me and my little life!
