Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall, Food & Fashion

The fact that it is finally fall in Southern California can only mean one thing...

Great food and all my favorite cold-weather clothes!

I love when Starbucks brings out the red cup. I love drinking gingerbread lattes in that red cup.

Thanksgiving foods of all kind! Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, Aunt Sharon's sweet potatoes, Aunt Peggy & Debbie's salads, stuffing, gravy...not to forget mom's jello fruit salad! 

I think I'm drooling.

And bring on the leftovers. Cold turkey and cranberry sandwiches are my soul mates

This year I am making cheesy potatoes for all of the dinners I attend and I can't stop dreaming of them. 

I love drinking hot chocolate with a little dollop of whipped cream on top. 

Pumpkin. Pumpkin pies, lattes, bread, muffins, pancakes, etc.

And we haven't even begun discussing the clothes yet.

Boots, scarves (oh the things you can do with a good scarf), hats, jackets, gloves, sweaters, slippers and fuzzy socks. And sweater-DRESSES! Love.

Then the colors. 

Reds, oranges, browns, greens, and the ever fashionable, gray (today's color of choice).

Can we go play dress-up now? 

And the icing on the cake is the weather. Fog. Gray. Cold. Rainy. THUNDER STORMS (like the one the other night). And every reason to surround yourself with warmth, love and comfort.


What are some of your favorite fall things? 


  1. I think the old banana peel fall is still my favorite, but the miss the first stair and tumble all the way to the bottom is great too! We are going to see you at our house for T-Day dinner aren't we?

  2. Thanksgiving is at your house again? Yesssss I love having it there and I wouldn't miss it for the world! See you in less than two weeks! <3
