Monday, September 26, 2011

Beautiful Dirt

I'm a California girl. Almost to a ridiculous extent. Blue eyes. Blond hair. Red Jetta. Cute condo. Beach lover. Shoe-loving-fashion-obsessor. Cold-hating-mild-weather-queen. Music-loving, concert-going, movie-watching, tv-show-addict.....well, you get the point. My one exception: White skin that is never ever ever ever tan. But I've learned to live with that. This means that there is nothing in my body that believes dirt to be a beautiful thing. I'm not scared of it, don't mind it (provided I don't ruin any shoes) and at times even seek it out (camping trips, hiking, running, little brothers, etc.) But again, I wouldn't describe dirt, in and of itself, as beautiful.

Until I went to Utah.

Every once in awhile there is a work trip that leaves a little room for fun so last Tuesday morning after my boss and I finished up at the trade show we were at we threw on some hiking gear and spent the next four hours exploring Zion National Park. It was absolutely breathtaking! I have never seen colors so rich as the red of the landscape and the red of the rock and the red of the dirt and the red sunsets all mixed together in a beautifully majestic masterpiece. It was stunning.

And from now on, I'll be more careful as to what I put a label on just because we don't have it in California!


  1. Don't have it in California???? It's called Yosemite!! You are right, Zion is sooo beautiful! I'm glad you had time to do something other then work.

  2. I had never been to Utah until this year and I had no idea it was so beautiful! Perhaps it's never talked about because it's competition is Colorado (tough competition indeed)...but I was totally floored when I saw how beautiful it was. Even the dirt! haha....

    Love this post.
