Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rush, rush, rush

I am always in a hurry. Hurrying to get to work. Hurrying to get home from work. Hurrying to meet up with friends. So much pressure! All of my rushing around usually only leads to me forgetting things or, as this weekend will prove, hurting something.

The story goes something like this:

Becky is in town.
Ashley is having a dinner party.
Melissa and Becky are late.
Melissa did not look to see if there was a car in the driveway.
Melissa backed her mirror into the car that she did not see.
Mirror shatters.
Melissa is upset.
Becky is encouraging.
Melissa and Becky are late to Ashley's dinner party.

Poor car.

With the absence of class schedules and homework to do lists and study groups I find myself always feeling pressured to be in a hurry and get something done. Before there was always so much to do I had, in my mind, every reason to be rushed. But now I see it is really self-inflicted and I am going to try to start slowing down....for the sake of my sanity and the safety of those around me!


  1. Not boring yet....this is at least mildly entertaining.

  2. Thanks Elisha, any tiny tidbit of advice to help me spice it up a bit?
