Friday, April 20, 2012

Favorite Things Friday : Revival Edition

Bringin' it back!

Trying to stay aware and conscious of the wonderful things in my life. There are many...but I really love sharing a few here!

This week I loved...

So thankful for my little brother Vick turning 11 and the hilarity involved when Morgan writes you her own personal birthday note. I have no idea what they were bickering about previously but...out of the mouths of babes!
Oh Ray. Some of the hilarity that goes into our texting conversations is just too much to describe but this was just one of the many moments he had me LOL'ing to myself this week!
MY  NEW HOME! Chelsea and I have found a beautiful, two bed/two bath apartment just a short walk from our favorite downtown area in Fullerton full of coffee shops, restaurants, antique stores, and the most popular bars among 20-somethings on a weekend night! Our heads are swimming with all of the decorating ideas we have to fill this spacious, welcoming apartment with "us".
I have always loved writing and am getting to do various forms of it at Ambassador (new job)! At the recommendation of some of my most trusted advisers (ie-chums) I purchased this little gem to help me polish up my style! Can't wait to dive in....
I think his name was James. I was very thankful that James was able to get my car open. And that my boss was gracious enough to stand with me and laugh at my absent mindedness and trunk full of laundry/shoes/towels/water bottles/etc while we dug through it looking for my keys! Oops. 

What were some of YOUR favorite things this week? 

Blessings, M.M.

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