Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Everyone said that the commute would be too far.

I didn't believe them.

After one month of spending between 2-3.5 hours in the car Mondays through Fridays to get from my pretty little condo in San Dimas to my office in Irvine I officially surrender.


Hypothetically It would only be an hour drive if I left my house by 5:45am every day...but my body refuses to wake up at 5am. Even then, traffic in Orange County starts around 3:30pm and by the time I reach LA County it's bad there too.

So two tickets, a fender bender (both cars are OK), too much coffee, not enough sleep, a couple late mornings and lots of headaches later, I'm moving.

I don't have an official apartment yet but my dear friend and fellow Biola alumni Chelsea and I are beginning the hunt for our new home on Sunday! Move-out day is set for May 1st. We are hoping for someplace near the Orange Circle or Downtown Fullerton. Both places have some of our favorite restaurants, coffee houses and shopping areas nearby as well as being halfway between our offices.

Jared and I are both disappointed that I'm moving out but we decided that we can still be friends.

(I'm also really excited to live with Chelsea but don't tell him that!)

I've been so blessed by the relationships and comfort I've received while living in San Dimas with Jared! I've met a ton of wonderful new friends, been supported through a crazy job situation and have (almost never) had to come home to an empty house! Starting on Friday afternoon you could always count on someone being at our home enjoying the hospitality that Jared so naturally gives! Not to mention the cleaning lady and the espresso machine...I'll miss him and the little condo I've come to love and call home but am excited for this next chapter of post-graduation life!

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