Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Letter to Heaven

Dear Nanny,

I miss you.

It's been three years and I can't decide if it feels like an eternity or just a moment since you left us.

I'll never forget the last time we spoke. I told you I wanted an electric toothbrush. Mom found one with my name on it in your big, black sharpie handwriting when they were cleaning out your house.

Thank you. You were always so thoughtful.

Thank you for calling me every other day the entire time I was at college to find out how much homework I had, how much money I had, how much sleep I had gotten and if my car had a full gas tank.

Thank you for all of the Starbucks trips and gift cards but more importantly, thank you for all of the precious moments we sat in the Hopper Starbucks reading, (me a book, you your paper) drinking coffee, and just enjoying one another's company.

Thank you for your example of a woman who worked hard for everyone she loved.

Thank you for always being in my corner.

Thank you for all of those nights you scratched my back as I fell asleep. Thank you for never letting me outgrow that.

I know you would be proud of me.

I graduated with honors! You always wanted me to work hard at college.

I have a "big girl" job. But, I'm happy. You always wanted me to be happy.

I will never be able to fill your shoes but I try to make sure all of the kids know they are loved...the way you made me know that I was so loved. And Melody and I get along now...she is one of my best friends. You always wanted us to get along.

I will always be a better, stronger, wiser woman because you gave me so much.

Thank you.

Loving you still and missing you always,



  1. Mel, this is so sweet; she sounds so sweet! You are truly blessed to have had her. :-)

    1. Liss nanny was such a special woman . Ill never forget when you called me Nd we sat at tbe office finding pictures and reminiscing great moments . Nanny always made me feel like family she loved you kids so very much! She will always be so loved and missed hard to believe its been 3 years
