Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Surrounded by Support

Support can come in a number of ways but the heart of the matter is having someone hold you up and helping you bear your burdens. This weekend my boyfriend and I flew into San Francisco to visit my family and enjoy a joint celebration of my cousin’s birthday and my college graduation. As I was enjoying the atmosphere of a BBQ that only comes in a family environment I soaked in every second of being around the people who came.

There were relatives from in town, out of town, long-time family friends and of course, my wonderful man, Andrew. I was thinking on the flight home, that we caught by the skin of our teeth (that’s an expression, right?) about all of the support each of the people at that BBQ had been to me over the years. Now being a home-schooled college graduate I have only just begun to realize the full impact that people can have over your life. So looking out at the crowd of faces I have known almost my whole life while opening “Congrats Grad” type cards I felt the desire to attempt to explain to each person how they had touched my life. But how do you take 22 years of blessing and communicate it over a short conversation? It was the people who loved me, encouraged me, and supported me that got me a college diploma and not the class attendance that has produced this final result.

And of course the lessons have not ended. The most recent lesson being from my Uncle Dale, reminding me that to have a blog necessitates writing in the blog. So Uncle Dale, this one is for you. ☺

Carrie and I enjoying each other's company. Happy birthday my dear! You are the definition of a loving and supportive cousin!

1 comment:

  1. Aw thanks Melis!! I am sooo incredibly proud of you!! You are an amazing young woman, so smart and driven, and so full of love for life, your friends and your family! You are encouragment to me all the time and I am so blessed to have you as my dear cousin! I am excited to see where this next adventurous chapter of life takes you! don't worry - it won't be boring!!! Trust me, you're a Maudlin - never a dull moment with us :) I love you tons and look forward to spending more time with you soon! Keep on blogging girl, and I promise to read it on a somewhat frequent basis ;) XOXO!!
