Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book Club, Anyone?

Someday I would like to be a part of an actual book club. One where you get a whole bunch of people to all sit down and take the time to read through, think about, and then discuss a book. Nothing intense, maybe once a month? I mean I've read 4 books and am working on my 5th since the end of May so that sounds incredibly do-able.

Funny thing, the topic came up tonight. So now I am thinking who would want to be involved? How many people would actually come? What should we read? The possibilities really are endless. Plus, there is something just so wonderful about someone who is well-read and something so sexy about bookshelves (Ok well maybe that's just me).

So if anyone has any suggestions on books or structures or anything I am all ears! For now I shall rummage up that long list of "Books to read" I've been building my entire way through college and begin putting some feelers out for who may want to join.

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