Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bug Bites & BBQs

So far this week has been a whirlwind of work and after-work activities that have kept me up way to late every night. Tonight will be no different because I have a date with a girlfriend! We are going to explore "The Americana" which is an outdoor shopping mall with a lot of restaurants and such.

Despite being so excited to move into my new condo next weekend, I have really been enjoying living in the Pasadena area. The house is right up against the Los Angeles National Forest (Did you know there was such a thing?) so not only does that mean the occasional bear sighting but also that there are great hiking trails right down the road! My friend Ben and I spent about an hour blazing a trail and the mosquitos spent the majority of that time feasting on my ankles.

(Please excuse the poor photo quality, my camera is in a box...somewhere)

The next night we avoided the pesky beasts and broke in the boys' new grill. The result was quite tasty.

Well, back to work for me! (Even though I am dreaming of a nap...)

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