Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This Never-Ending Thing We Call Life

So just when I thought my life would begin to develop a bit of normalcy, things exploded.
I had a nice job and a nice room and was excited to begin saving (for once) and spending my weekends doing everything BUT homework.

Then my car broke down.

And for the last two weeks I have been bumming rides to and from work, swiping friends’ and boyfriend’s cars for errands and feeling generally stranded. Then right as I get my car back, it becomes apparent that it would be wise for me to move out of my housing situation and “couch surf” until other arrangements can be found.

So now I am theoretically homeless.

And yet, through it all, I have a great boyfriend who, along with his best friend and roommate, spent their 4th of July weekend moving me into their living room. And I have a few overly-generous girlfriends who have volunteered their beds and couches for my nightly occupation. And my car is running. And my job is still going really well. And I already having a housing situation lined up come August 1st which will actually be even more comfortable, trendy, conveniently located, and affordable than before. And I guess you could say I am learning quite a bit along the way…

So I will spend tonight in a spare room, drinking wine and laughing with a friend and I will be thankful for God’s road of provision. Even with the pot holes.

1 comment:

  1. isn't it funny how JUST as you start to feel comfy with life, God feels the need to shake things up! I guess it keeps us on our toes and leaning on Him.
