Friday, October 7, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

I would like to begin a new tradition.

Every Friday I will post a blog containing all of the things that week that I have loved. Food, music, places, people, whatever it may be I’ll put it up on Fridays for you all to enjoy as well. Now I do understand you may not love everything I do but that won’t keep me from sharing them! Hopefully you don’t mind. So let's begin! 

Favorite Things

True friendship that allows for human failure and always meets it with grace and forgiveness.

Birthday gifts for friends...

You can find it online here, or buy it new/half-price here.

Boots for Fall weather.

A long phone conversation with my Dad, who called just to say hi.

Clean sheets.

This sky.

Finding a ride home for Thanksgiving to save on gas, mileage and money!

Lighting all my candles that smell like Fall.

Dancing (just a bit) in the rain.

Getting my first Biola Alumni event invitation.

Commemorating the contributions to the world that were made by Steve Jobs.

And waking up every morning to the good Lord giving me another day!

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