Thursday, October 20, 2011

I spent all my money on shoes...

Over the last month I have purchased:

One pair of brown leather boots.

One pair of heeled black boots.

One pair of black heels.

One pair of tan heels.

One pair of gray heels.

One pair of red heels.

One pair of strappy sandals for my Halloween costume.

And I love each and every one of them.

Now hear me out because there really is a valid explanation for why these were NECESSARY expenditures.

I started a job where business professional was required about this time last year. So, I went shopping and got a couple suit pieces and a few pairs of heels to work with just about anything I owned. Well since that time there have been 4 seasons, 3 other jobs, and countless hours on my feet! At BofA it was standing behind a counter, at Enterprise it was climbing in and out of cars and for the conference I was sponsorship director of it was one very very busy weekend and very very tired feet.

I now work in not just a business professional environment but one in which my boss notices almost every detail of my wardrobe. Maybe a little much but I like to dress up and fashionably and he likes that I dress up and fashionably so it all works out. This also meant that coming into work with tan heels that were just about brown and black pumps that were obviously well-worn was just unacceptable.

So with just a few clicks of my laptop mouse-pad and an afternoon spent with an attractive Nordstrom shoe guy, I have a whole new wardrobe of shoes! And a slightly more bare pantry than normal.



  1. this is AWESOME. and makes me smile.

  2. Haha! Your boss sounds a little creepy.

  3. Thanks Beth! Your blog is beautiful by the way, I'm loving sifting through all of your marvelous photographs.

    Mich...he kinda is from time to time but definitely unintentionally. He's just a big awkward science nerd! Haha.

  4. you crack me up! But I'm glad that you are able to justify them all! :)

  5. It is really nice that you have a blog where you can bare your soles.
